ISSN-P : 2959-3670    ISSN-E : 2959-3727


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Federal Law Journal seeks submission to expand understanding of the mechanisms, dynamics, transitions and outcomes of different laws, legal issues and judicial education. The Federal Law Journal does not prescribe the nature of research, although attention should particularly be given to relevant applied, problem-solving and developmental aspects of legal research that directly or indirectly promote judicial education or relate to the administration of justice.

Interdisciplinary submissions which draw on theoretical, methodological and empirical insights from law, criminology, economics, political science, finance, public policy, international business and other disciplines are also welcomed. Federal Law Journal accepts the following form of writings for publication:

  • Research Papers, Articles and Essays
  • Case Notes, Case Reviews, Legislation Reviews, Book Reviews etc.
  • Conceptual Frameworks, Analytical and Simulation Models.
  • Empirical studies, Technical Notes from Researchers.