Sumission Guidelines
- The Federal Law Journal only accepts text files or files in doc or docx format (such as from Microsoft Word or Open Office). We do not accept PDF files.
- Multiple, redundant or concurrent submissions are not accepted. Submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal concurrently constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable. Manuscripts must only be peer reviewed by one journal at a time.
- Federal Law Journal does not accept submissions of previously published works.
- No more than 15 percent of unoriginal text can be used by the author and which must be acknowledged and cited. The remaining 85 percent of the article must be unique and original to your current submission.
- Articles must follow conventions of the English language about proper grammar, punctuation, and typical writing practices.
- The manuscript or paper should articulate ideas in a writing style that is precise, logical, and professional.
- All factual statements must be supported by cited sources or research evidence.
- Authors must ensure the accuracy of citations, quotations, diagrams, tables, and maps. All in-text citations must be cited in the reference list and all sources in the reference list must be cited within the article. Sources accessed online must include a DOI or URL.
- Quotes must credit the original author and must be referenced correctly.
- All quoted material must be indicated using “quotation marks.”
- References with non-English titles must include a translation and translated titles be mentioned in brackets following the original language title.
- Articles must consist of a minimum of 3,000 words and a maximum of 8,000 words. The abstract, references, figure captions, and tables are not counted toward the word count.
- The citation guidelines on APA referencing must be followed.
- All images must be inserted as jpg files with image resolution below 300 DPI.
- Use of advanced MS Word features such as automatic reference tools, drawing objects, automatic table of contents and table of indexes, bookmarks, background or font colors, highlighting, strike-through, embossing, or any other complex MS Word feature shall be avoided.
- Researchers are expected to strive toward meeting approved national and international standards of research, as determined by the publication of accredited outputs, patents, artefacts and peer evaluation.